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The Root Chakra, color Red, located at the base of the spine. Archangel Uriel is associated with this Chakra. 

This chakra is related to your survival, the right to exist. This Chakra's role is to keep you  grounded to the earth.   When blocked you may feel emotionally insecure about your  basic needs, shelter, food, and finances.

When balanced, you will have a sense of feeling secure, both physically and emotionally.  You will have a sense of accomplishment when you  think about the material and physical world, including money, safety and shelter.



SANDLEWOOD... Calm and soothing to the mind. Creating a  feeling of being balanced and connected to the earth. Helps you to question yourself, so you can discover the path that will fulfill you and bring more meaning to your life.

ORANGE...Helps lift your energy delivering a feeling of joyfulness.  Helps releive depression, feeling resentful, unsafe,  or  the feeling of living in a world of scarceity.

MINT...The scent of clarity and understanding, removing negitive energies of heavy emotions and fear.



.TIGERS EYE... Gives the gift of courage and grace.  Allows you to embrace the  fact that you are the creator of your life.

GARNET...Helps to ground your energy, lending itself to Strength and courage.

BLACK TOURMALINE.. Provides protective energy, helping to clear out negitive energy and what no longer serves you.

RED JASPER...A nurturing stone, helping you to connect to the element of the earth and feel safe.  Its fiery energy is benificial in motivating you.

BLACK OBSIDIAN...  This stones energy helps ground you deep into the earth, so you may feel safe and stable, allowing you to trust your own instincts.

CARNELIAN...A firey stone reminding you that life is joyuful.  Its uplifting vibration gifts you with inspirationa d passion to move forward on your path.  Gives the gift of endurance to propel yourself forward.



Root Chakra

SKU: 2001
  • 4oz./113.4grams / glass jar with a lid

    Never leave a candle unattended while it is burning

    Never pick a candle up while it is burning

    Trim the wick back 1/4 of an inch befor relighting for a clean and slower burn

    Approximately 20-25 hours of burn time

    Please take the time to properly burn your candle for the first time, allowing the wax to melt out to the edge of the container.  Avoiding this step may create what is called a "tunnel ring", meaning when you go to relight your candle it will only burn out to this ring, creating a hole in the center of your candle.



Phone: 518-928-5301




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